GIFTING TREE FOR CHILDREN I am happy to introduce a wonderful program that will put a smile on the faces of little children on Christmas morning. The Elm Park Elementary […]
ARMENIAN GIFT SHOP Grand OpeningSunday, December 1stFellowship Hour We invite all of you to join us for the Grand opening of our new Armenian Gift Shop on Sunday, December 1 […]
ARMENIAN CHRISTMAS MARKET December 15, Noon-3pm Armenian Church of our SaviourCultural Center Unique & traditional baked goods,Choreg, Lahmajun.Gata, basturma & Armenian wine, Soujoukh & much more
ACYOA Junior of Our Saviour iFaith First gathering on Sunday, November 3 Conversations on our faith with the Youth & Young AdultsAll juniors in the areaAre welcome
KHACHKAR MASTER CLASS Friday, November 8, 6:30pm Narine Poladian is Armenia’s first female khachkar carving master. We invited her to Our Saviour to teach a special master class on making […]
CABRINI MOVIE SCREENING CABRINI Monday, November 4, 7pm Powerful epic of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian immigrant who arrives in New York City in 1889 and is greeted by disease, crime, […]
An important message from yourMemorial Endowment Committee Dear Parishioners and Friends, We hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. As the year comes to a close, we […]
Faith Discussion & Bible Study: Growing in Faith Together Launching onWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 7pmChurch hallAll are welcome We invite you to join our upcoming Faith Discussion and Bible Study, where […]
What an Amazing Festival! THANK YOU This year’s festival was an incredible success breaking all previous records for attendance, participation, and overall energy! The event was truly a reflection of our […]